Sunday, January 3, 2010

What’s on Your Mind?

Happy New Year! I hope that 2010 is off to a good start for you and your family.

The beginning of the year is frequently a time for reflection. How did the past year play out; what lies ahead in the coming year; what goals need to be developed? Often these occur in the form of New Year’s Resolutions.

There’s no exception here. While I’m not typically big on New Year’s Resolutions, I’ve come up with three for me in 2010. This year I resolve to clean up my Outlook Inbox and keep up with emails: Reply quicker to those that require responses; file those that have been addressed; delete those that are no longer relevant.

I also resolve to keep up with my reading file. I carry a folder in my briefcase of articles, reports and downloaded items that I feel I need to read. Often the briefcase, with the reading file, gets tossed in a corner of my office and gets picked up for the trip home and tossed in a chair in my home office (sense a pattern here?). My resolution is to actually read the material in my file; then file, toss or forward it on.

My final resolution deals with this blog. I resolve to try and write a new post every week. This has been my intention since I started, but I’ve noticed that I’m tending to slip to publishing posts about every other week. My goal in 2010 is to publish weekly.

In order to keep my resolution of publishing weekly posts I’d like your help. I’d like to know what’s on your mind relative to your career transitions. What issues would you like to see covered here that could be of help to you? What conversations could we engage in that would be of interest or assistance to you?

My intention in writing this blog is to be of service to folks in transitions – especially in their careers. My hope is to create a conversation and stimulate thinking about careers and transitions. So I’d like to know your thoughts on the issues of concern to you as we enter a new year, a new decade.

What’s on your mind?

You can let me know in the comments section below or email me at I look forward to hearing from you.


  1. My daughter bought me a very nice journal for Christmas 1999. The purpose was to write down some of the stories I had told her and her brother about my family and friends growing up starting with the new millennium. I didn't put a mark in it in the aughts. I dug it out and started writing in it on January 1, 2010...ten year later. I'm not sure what it will turn into...probably just a scrape book, of sorts, but I'll try to get some of those stories down this decade. It is a big book.

  2. Steve,

    What a neat gift from your daughter! I think it's interesting that our kids want to know about our lives "back in the day." I think part of their curiousity is in seeing how we play out our middle age; they are looking for a road map, which doesn't currently exist.

    The model of middle age careers and retirment of our parents no longer applies to most generations that follow. The proverbial one career and a gold watch at its end are long gone.

    We as boomers get to define the new model - what comes next. The model we define may or may not work for our kids, but it will be a framework for what follows.

    So, take care in what you write. Your kids will be watching.

